
Showing posts from June, 2024

Tips to Use Runner Area Rugs at Your Home

  Runner rugs, those long and narrow floor coverings, are often underestimated.They not only add a touch of elegance but also serve a functional purpose by protecting high-traffic areas and providing comfort underfoot. At Luxurious Rugs, we believe runners can enhance any space, adding a touch of luxury and functionality. Here are some tips to help you incorporate runner rugs beautifully into your home: Finding the Perfect Fit: Measure twice, buy once: Before rug shopping, measure the designated area. Ideally, you want 4-5 inches of exposed floor around the runner. In hallways, ensure the runner is centered, leaving equal space on both sides. Consider area: High-traffic areas like hallways and entryways benefit from durable materials like wool or nylon. Opt for flatweave rugs for easy cleaning or layer a runner on top of a larger rug for added protection. Style Inspiration: Define open spaces: One may feel confused by open floor plans. To visually divide spaces and establish a sense